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Using videos in ads

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Digital marketing is the practice of reaching consumers online through digital channels with the aim of turning them into customers. Digital advertising is the practice of promoting a brand and generating sales through the use of ads. Using video in ads is one effective tactic of digital advertising. 

Benefits of digital advertising

Videos are an effective way to advertise for a number of reasons. For starters, 4 billion videos are watched on YouTube everyday. That’s billions of potential opportunities for a video ad to be seen. It’s also estimated that almost one-third of shoppers purchase a product after encountering a video ad, which is a conversion rate of 33% — well over most average ad conversion rates. 

There are other benefits, too. A video can deliver more information than a graphic or a photo can. The use of videos can add a personal touch to a brand’s ads, and videos sometimes do a better job of showcasing products than images do. Using ads that include storytelling videos, testimonial videos, or influencer review videos are all great ways to take your brand awareness to the next level.


Types of ads 

There are many kinds of ads you can use in digital advertising. By now, you may be familiar with some of them. Using ads on display networks, social media, search engines, or video streaming platforms (like YouTube), can boost a business’ ability to reach potential customers. 

Ad-hosting platforms

There are all kinds of ad-hosting platforms available to digital marketers, and in order to best serve your target audience, you should be familiar with as many as possible. Below are some examples of spaces you can place ads within.

  • Facebook and Instagram are social media platforms where you can run ads that appear in people’s social media feeds or in their stories. 
  • Placing ads on Google Ads will allow them to be seen while people are browsing for similar products. 
  • YouTube Ads, which exist before, in the middle of, and after videos on YouTube, give your brand visibility through their video platform. These ads pop up in the same media player they’re using to watch videos.

This isn’t an exhaustive list — if you want to find additional ad-hosting platforms, you’ll want to do some more research. There are many other platforms for e-commerce ads, but remember that some of them aren’t always well-suited for videos. Where you place your video ads matters.

Setting your strategy

Before you create a video ad, you’ll want to make sure you set your strategy. When you’re setting your advertising strategy, ask yourself: where will these ads be placed? Who is my target audience for these ads? What is my plan if the ads don’t perform well? Will there be one ad or will we create a whole campaign of video ads?

Knowing this information will help you stay on track. As a digital marketer or digital advertising professional, remember that there will always be some level of trial and error. Be prepared to pivot or try new things if your video ads aren’t generating sales or creating brand awareness like you wanted them to. 

Tips to optimize digital advertising 

After you’ve set your digital advertising strategy and answered the questions above, you can start executing your video ads. 

When creating video ads, here are some aspects to consider: 

  • Length. Video ads should only run for about 20 to 30 seconds at most. The average viewer isn’t likely to watch for much longer than that. In some cases, your ads may only be a few seconds long. The length of your video will depend on your goals and your intended audience.
  • Hook. The first 3-5 seconds are where you really catch the attention of your potential customer. Make sure you add content that hooks them right away. 
  • Size and dimensions. Depending on where you plan to run your ads, the size and dimensions of your videos will be different. For instance, ads on IG should be 9×16 or square, whereas ads on YouTube should be 16×9. 
  • Target audience. Create videos your potential customers will like, and place the ads wherever your potential customers are most likely to be, whether that’s on social media, driving by digital billboards, watching videos on YouTube, or somewhere else.

Helpful tools to make video ads

There is data that suggests videos these days don’t have to have the highest production value. This is good news if you’re just getting started — you can make video ads from anything! 

Some tools that will help you are: 

Key takeaways

Digital advertising, or the practice of promoting a brand and generating sales through the use of ads, is an integral part of digital marketing today. Understanding how to strategize for, execute, and run video ads, increases your chances of growing your brand and generating sales. There are endless ways to create video ads, and there are a multitude of tools to help you along the way.


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